Our Knowledge is Your Gain.

Our experienced consultants have advanced industry designations. But, hey,  who has time to show off; rather we continuously look for ways to add value to our clients and partners.

One of the most important things any professional can do in his or her field of expertise is to continue learning. The retirement plan industry is constantly changing and it is important to stay on top of developments as they occur. Our staff attend training sessions on a regular basis to expand their knowledge base. Some of these sessions are required by law to keep licenses up to date, while others we attend because we feel the knowledge gained will be valuable to our clients.

Another option available to retirement plan consultants is to obtain professional accreditations. The organizations that award these designations have strict guidelines for who is eligible and who is not. Often they require years of study and experience, similar to an advanced university degree. These programs are time-consuming, rigorous and expensive, but they provide a level of training you simply will not gain through experience alone.

Designations We Hold